Student Profiles
John Ryan

- Timeline
1993 Trained with Goju Ryu in Hobart for a short period before being transferred back to Sydney with
my employment.
1994 Commenced training with Goju-Kai Karate-do at Hornsby dojo on the 15th October with
Phillip Chin Quan Shihan during this period also trained at North Sydney dojo with Greg Gunns
Renshi Shihan on a regular basis.
1996 Attended seminars conducted by Saiko Shihan Yamaguchi Goshi October
2000 Trained under Paul Starling Kyoshi and various Sensei's at Macquarie dojo from July 2000 to
June 2004.
2003 Attended seminars conducted by Saiko Shihan Yamaguchi Goshi October
2004 Graded to Shodan-Ho February
2009 Recommenced training with World Goju-Ryu Karate-Do June
2011 Graded to Nidan October
2014 Graded to Sandan November by Kaicho Max Fabris with examiner panel consisting:
Kyoshi Warren Ross, Kyoshi Joe Ielasi, and Renshi Shihans Glenn Gipperich and Nick Andriankis
2018 Awarded Yondan Shihan
2021 Shihan Ryan Retires from Karate, Dec 2021
Alex Kwa

- Timeline
1997 Started as a student as a school sport under (then) Sensei Phil Chin Quan at Knox Grammar
School, joining the Goju Kai association
2000 As a second kyu, appointed karate vice captain at Knox Grammar
2002 Awarded the Knox Grammar School Karate Prize
2003 Was a member of the winning team in the Australian University Championship in Team Kata.
2004 Attained current rank of first kyu. Was a member of the winning team in the Eastern University
Championship in Team Kata.
2010 Joined the Hornsby NSW dojo under the instruction of Renshi Phil Chin Quan
2011 Graded to full Shodan October
2014 Graded to Nidan November by Kaicho Max Fabris with examiner panel consisting:
Kyoshi Warren Ross, Kyoshi Joe Ielasi, and Renshi Shihans Glenn Gipperich and Nick Andriankis
- Other facts
Alex has trained in multiple Goju Ryu dojos over the past decade, most recently returning to his original instructor, Renshi Phil. During this period, while studying to become an actuary, he has learned the skills and mindset necessary to attain his first kyu. He has also dabbled in some weapons training including bo and sai. While he’d like to learn to use the tonfa and nunchaku, it is illegal to possess them in NSW!
Other instructors Alex has occasionally trained with include Saiko Shihan Yamaguchi Goshi, Shihan Paul Starling, Shihan Ingo De Jong and Shihan Greg Gunns.
Since attaining his first kyu and joining the Hornsby dojo, Alex and has set a goal of gaining the necessary skill and repertoire to achieve a first dan ranking. While he has been proficient in the necessary kata for the last five years, he is working on the bunkai aspects which are more easily practised with a partner.
Alex currently works at Deloitte and karate is one of several hobbies including skiing and mountain biking, all which compete with a very busy working life. While he primarily studies karate as a means of self-defence, he has found that kata in particular has been a valuable means of relaxation.
In October 2011, Alex will attend the Bega Training Weekend along with fellow senior, Sempai John Ryan and Renshi Phil to train alongside all the Bega students of Renshi Adam Ross and Kyoshi Warren Ross. Kaicho Max Fabris along with other Shihans will be up from Melbourne to lead the training. The Weekend with provide all participants with advanced training and instruction. The following Sunday will see senior members of Bega/Hornsby undergo their senior gradings overseered by Kaicho Max and Senior Kyoshi/Renshi. Alex Kwa will attempt his Shodan Ho grading. Alex’s last grading was back in 2004.
Congratulations to John on achieving Nidan-ho and Alex on achieving full Shodan.
They are the first senior of Hornsby Dojo to receive Dan ranks from WGKA, Kaicho Max Fabris.
Alex and John receiving their belts and certificates.
Adrian Chin Quan
- Bio Adrian began his martial arts journey informally at the age of 5 under his father Phillip Chin Quan, commencing formal training under Phil when the Hornsby Dojo was officially opened in 2009. Since then, he has been learning Goju-Ryu Karate and taken up teaching other students of all ages. Adrian pursues a holistic approach to martial arts as physical forms, a philosophy and way of life, seeking insight from the cultural, physical, spiritual and mental learnings that it entails. He thoroughly enjoys teaching and hopes to guide others through the journey of balancing hardness and softness.
- Timeline 2002 – Began training informally with Sensei Phil Chin Quan
2009 – Commenced formal training at Hornsby Dojo
2009 – 9 December, Graded 8th Kyu Jr
2010 – 18 May, Graded 6th Kyu Jr
2010 – 26 October, Graded 5th Kyu Jr
2011 – 23 March, Graded 3rd Kyu Jr
2011 – 23 November, Graded 2nd Kyu Jr
2012 – 28 November, Graded Shodan-Ho Jr
2013 – 28 August, Graded Shodan Jr under (then) Renshi Shihan Phil Chin Quan and (then) Sensei John Ryan
2014 – 14 May, Graded Nidan Jr
2015 – November, Graded to full Shodan (Sr)
2017 – November, Graded to Nidan
2022 – May, Graded to Sandan (Sensei) By Kaicho Max Fabris (Melbourne Master Grading)