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Instructor Profile

phillip picture Phillip Chin Quan,
Kyoshi Shihan 7th Dan

The Early Years-1966-72

Phillip began Martial Arts training in 1966 under Master Jack Rozinsky, at the Shuto karate school in St. Kilda, who taught Ju Jitsu & Tae Kwon Do. Jack was then (1966) a brown belt in Dae Myung Ju Jitsu & Tae Kwon Do (both Korean forms of Martial Arts). He currently holds 7th Dan & 8th Dan rank in two Tae Kwon Do Organizations, in Victoria. Initially graded pink & grey Bar in Dae Myung (Korean) Ju Jitsu, Phillip also began Tae Kwon Do (Chung Do style). His fellow students included Hanshi Warren Ross, Bob Jones, Gary Spiers & Jim Lennon. During mid 1968, Jack married & he & new Bride Valerie, travelled to Korea for their Honeymoon. It lasted 8 months!! During Jack’s absence, Phil was asked to teach the Shuto Karate class !  In 1966, one Tino Ceberano, then 3rd Dan & an ex-U.S.Marine, arrived in Melbourne, teaching Goju-Kai Karate. His arrival saw many students flock to his popular Karate classes, including those seniors from Jack’s school. In April 1969, Phillip decided to also join his ex-fellow mates at Goju-Kai. It was the best move for him! By June that year, Phillip gained his 6th Kyu rank then his 4th Kyu by September, the same year, 1969.  He trained frequently with Kaicho Max, Hanshi Warren, seniors Bob Jones, Richard Norton (Before his Movie career), Lou Spizziri, Ray Maxwell, Matt Savino & Gary Spiers; up to 4 times per week!

But in October,1969 Phillip was conscripted (National Service) into the Army. Whilst doing his Recruit & Infantry training (at Puckapunyal, VIC & Singleton Infantry School, NSW) Phil continued to train seriously during his odd Leave days back at Canterbury Hombu Dojo, with Shihan Tino and with Lou Spizzirri at the St Kilda Dojo. This combined military/civilian training instilled a solid physical and mental foundation for Phillip’s future career in Martial Arts.

Dojo Surprise

One day in February 1970, on a weekend Leave pass from Singleton, NSW, Phil went to train at the new Hombu at Balwyn , at the Saturday class! To his surprise, there was a Senior Grading, in progress!  Shihan Tino & the Senior Grading panel, consisting of Max (Kaicho), Bob Jones, Gary Spiers, Ray Maxwell, Warren (Hanshi) &  Ray Maxwell; asked Phil to participate, that very afternoon! After the gruelling session along with other worthy participants, there was another surprise! The panel, under Shihan decided to give one result immediately following the end of the Grading. Phillip was awarded his 3rd Kyu and presented with his new Obi!!
(To be recognised, on that day, by my peers, was an honour & a privilege—finally joining the ranks of the Dojo Sempai!)

The following day , Phillip had to return to his Infantry training course at Singleton. Any future Infantry training was minimal compared to that particular Grading! (3rd Kyu Brown Belt)
Phillip did one Tour of South Vietnam, with D & E Platoon, as a Rifleman/Signaller. (This unique Infantry unit had recorded the “Highest Kill rate of any Australian Unit in South Vietnam, during 1968) and with 1 Psychological Operations Unit, as a Ground Team commander.(a PsyWarfare/ Intelligence unit.) Apparently, his Ethnic background & Asian features allowed him to move freely about Vietnamese Hamlets & villages, unnoticed by the locals…or enemy!!
On completion of his “Nasho” duties from October, 1971, Phillip returned to Melbourne & Goju Ryu training under Shihans Tino Ceberano  (ex-US Marine) & Sal Ebanez (who also served 14months with the US Army in South Vietnam),  to continue his active training with Max, Warren & Lou at  Preston, Chelsea & St. Kilda Dojos, respectively.up to 5 sessions per week.! Both his Shihans, having also experienced Military service (&, in Shihan Sal’s case, a tour of duty in South Vietnam!), strongly advised Phil to resume full training , as soon as possible, after returning from his overseas service. This assisted Phil in his physical & mental re-adjustment to both civilian life & to help avoid any PTSD symptoms deterioration. This early resumption of Goju training was instrumental in keeping Phillip from a future of Drug or alcohol abuse, fits of depression or suicide, so prevalent in many of those servicemen, who experienced daily, episodes of human death, mutilation , loss of limb & destruction of towns or villages, as a result of their military service in South Vietnam!

Phillip received his Shodan-ho in Jan 1972. (some 6 months after returning from Vietnam.) Surprisingly, other than Shihan Sal & Phillip, there seemed to be no other student or Instructor, then, who went overseas, as a Conscript!

After Vietnam, Tino Shihan asked Phil to teach dojos at RMIT, SEC HQ & Pharmacy College , two classes at each venue, per week!

Summer Training Camps-1970’s

During the 1970’s, the annual National Goju Summer camps used to last for 3-4 weeks!! (Example. Tallangatta N-E Victoria) Each day began with an uphill run up and back (about 2 km in length)  followed by stretching & breathing (Sanchin) exercises — this was before breakfast., at 7:30am.
Each day consisted of 2 hour sessions of training- Kihon, Ido, Kata or Kumite. – up to 4 times per day! Some evenings, after dinner, we did senior Kumite or had lecture/discussions on History of Goju Ryu or Karate, in general. The outdoor training sometimes consisted of obstacle course, & of course,  that one day of an early pre-dawn forced march over 20 kms ,across the local landscape. Finishing  in the afternoon, we were allowed the rest of the day off, to recover! The student groups were followed by a 4-wheel drive vehicle, carrying large containers of iced Staminade for everyone, as well as act as an ambulance for those who would collapse along the way!

On a few such Camps we were honoured with the presence of the International Chief Instructor of Goju Ryu, Kyoshi 7th Dan (Now Saiko Shihan., President & Grand master of IKGA, 9th Dan Hanshi) Yamaguchi Goshi, Hanshi , his sister, Yamaguchi Wakako, then 5th Dan Shihan (All Japan Kata Champ, Shinto Priestess) & Shihan Sakamoto Kihei (Hombu Dojo Instructor and All-Japan Kumite Champ The Camp also had a Grading for those attending the camp, With an illustrious Grading panel, consisting of our visiting three Japanese Shihans plus Shihans Tino Ceberano & Sal Ebanez — those fortunate enough to take the grading, were sure to be fully-tested for their various Ranks.(Phillip Chin Quan was one of three to be graded to Sandan-ho, at one such Camp-1977)

All participants survived, very fit, tanned & eager to share their knowledge & new skills to their fellow students, back at their respective Dojo!

Training Overseas.

Early 1974:

Kaicho Max , Kyoshi Lou & Phil (were all Sandan then) travelled to Europe & Hawaii for 6 months.. We trained 5 mornings per week in Ki Training with Shihans of Koichi Tohei Aikido style, beach training (Tanning/perving!!) at Hanauma Bay Beach in the Arvo’s followed by 5 nights per week training with Kyoshi Masahiro Oshiro (Chief Instructor of Goju ryu Hawaii) at his Kaneohe & McCully Sts Dojos. Oshiro Kyoshi was one of the first Martial Artists in the Island state, who lead an illustrious career in the Okinawan & Japanese Forms, training extensively with the Late Yamaguchi Gogen, (Kaiso, Founder, of Goju-Kai) Oshiro Kyoshi was also the Sensei to our Shihans Tino Ceberano & Sal.Ebanez, who both emigrated to Australia. (1966 and 1969 respectively)

After a memorable 2 months in Hawaii, we travelled to Italy where Kaicho & I stayed with his Family in Asiago, Northern Italy for 4 mths. Lou Kyoshi travelled down to “Mafia Country”- Cosenza, Calabria, staying with his Family. Kaicho had  in previous visits to Asiago, formed a Dojo of locals, who all returned, to train & practice with Kaicho & Phil, several times  per week.

Back to Home Soil & new Dojo:

Returning to Melbourne by Sept 1974, Phillip took advantage of Kyoshi Sal Ebanez’s offer to teach Country Division Goju Ryu at Albury-Wodonga for 5 weeks, in his absence. Kyoshi Sal returned to Hawaii for a long-overdue Family reunion. Sal Kyoshi had served 14 months in South Vietnam with the US Army in the late 1960’s, then emigrated to Australia to join Fellow Hawaiian, Tino Ceberano Kyoshi to teach Goju ryu, to the growing Victorian dojos..

Phil stayed 12 years, teaching at Hombu in Albury , plus his later dojos at Wangaratta & Yarrawonga, whilst continuing his commitment to Hombu., all the time holding down a full-time employment. Whilst running his Yarrawonga Dojo, 4 classes per week Phillip Sensei , worked & managed a Licensed Club Restaurant 60+ hours, six days per week!

He has built up a rapport with the Country Division studentship during his early years previous to moving up to the Twin Cities of Albury-Wodonga; by regular weekend road trips to Shepparton & Echuca dojo, with Instructors Max, Lou, Tom Curtis, Morgan Abouzeid  etc. We would drive to Shepparton on Friday night to train,  then drive across to Echuca after class ; sleep in the cars on the banks of the Ole Murray River, drive into Echuca to shower before training at the Echuca dojo, lunch then return to Melbourne by Sunday Arvo’ We attempted this 2-3 times some months! We also trained at our & Hombu dojos each week! Ahh. The love of Dojo & Goju Ryu!

Training at Hombu, Japan

In 1885 Phillip returned to Melbourne. After his rather-extended 5 weeks stay (Should read 11 years!) to train under Iwan  Prantio Kyoshi.  All this was punctuated with 2 trips to Hombu (1980 & ’83) in Tokyo Japan to train, along with Max Kaicho, Hanshi Warren, Tom Curtis, Ragnar Purje & Lou Spizzirri, accompanying Kyoshi’s Tino & Sal We were lucky to train twice per day with Saiko Shihan Goshi Yamaguchi & all his Senior Dojo Instructors Iwan Pranatio. Futawatari, Ohiro, Iwanami , Hazama & the Indomitable “Young” Yamaguchi (Masatoshi). The Late Yamaguchi Gogen  Kaiso was in attendance, at most of our classes at both Suginami Hombu & Itabashi (Goshin) dojos. (Gogen Kaiso’s long speeches about training & encouragement, whilst we sat rigidly in straight-backed Seiza, were unforgettable… and painful!!)  On our first trip in 1980 Goshi Saiko Shihan took us , along with Young Yamaguchi, to Mt Fuji at a Lake Yamanaka ryokan for a few days training, at its base. The attempted climb to Fujiyama’s summit was curtailed by heavy upper clouds & strong winds. Threats of sudden Rock avalanches! We were honoured to have been able to spend such precious time alone with Saiko Shihan, at such an idyllic & iconic location, to learn directly from the source of Goju Ryu! Of course, the trip there & back, in a borrowed commercial Van, was less than comfortable .Seven of us had to endure the LONG , less--than-comfortable trip , seated on spares tyres--- no seats or seatbelts, fitted!

We were all Sandan on that Inaugural trip, when we attempted our Yondan grading under the watchful eye of the esteemed Gogen Kensei (posthumously titled “Fist Saint”, as was the Teacher of Miyagi Chojun, Higaonna Kanryo, similarly named)
Collectively, that group of two Shihans (Tino & Sal) plus six, eager Sandans, on that first memorable trip had, in total , in excess of 100 years of training under their collective Obi’s

The Grading Panel consisted of  Saiko Shihan & Kyoshi’s Tino & Sal (then both 6th Dan)

After long conversation behind closed doors, along with Gogen Kensei, they decide that only Lou Spizzirri would pass, on that day!! We were ecstatic for Lou Kyoshi & relieved to have attempted the grading! Within a year later, back in Melbourne, the other participants (Max, Warren Tom & Ragnar) were awarded Yondan. I was up in Country Victoria, not successful, yet with fond memories.

Warren Hanshi & I decided to return to Hombu Japan in 1883 with a group of 8 of our own students (Kyu –Nidan ranks) Again we were treated to up to 36 classes over 5 weeks with Goshi Saiko Shihan , under the watchful eye of his Father Gogen Kensei. All our students were gob-smacked at the level of senior training that they received., from Saiko Shihan & his group of teaching Shihans. (Interrupted with a Bullet Train trip to Kyoto, staying at a 600-year –old Temple, fed great traditional Zen meals twice a day, served with Large bottles of Local beer each Meal!! Who told the chefs that we were Aussies!! ) We trained each day amongst some of the most ancient, but beautiful, Shrines, gardens & locations Kyoto had to offer. Great spots for those memorable snap shots, with our newly-acquired Minolta compact cameras, bought in Tokyo’s Akihabara electronics market stores.

Ryukyu Kobujutsu with Inoue Motokatsu Hanshi:

With Gogen Sensei’s letter of introduction, we next, travelled to SHIMIZU CITY, Shizuoka Prefecture to train twice daily, with the Late Inoue Motokatsu Hanshi, in Traditional Ryukyu Kobudo at his huge traditional dojo in both the Sai & Bo Kihon, Gyakusoko Kumite & Kata.  With all ten of us and up to six Shihan teaching daily, we were put through the paces for two hours per class , repeatedly & corrected at every step. Both inspiring & an honour to learn from such dedicated & learned Masters!

On return to Hombu Dojo Tokyo, I attempted Yondan grading , version 2!! (Again unsuccessful-only disappointment of whole trip # 2)  But my 10 th Kyu student was graded straight to 6th kyu in both Goju Ryu & Kobudo — all 6 ft 2" of him – way to go, Mark!! We returned to Tokyo for resumption of our beloved Goju Ryu training.

Melbourne, under Prantio Iwan Kyoshi

During 1985-92, I taught Goju-ryu at  my Malvern & Bentleigh Dojos under Iwan Prantio Kyoshi’s Directorship.He had emigrated to Australia, with his Japanese Wife, Misako, in the early 1980’s. In Japan, Iwan Kyoshi was both very helpful & knowledgeable of our practice of Goju Ryu  at both Suginami & Itabashi Dojos
Now we were (Victoria Goju Kai) fortunate having him, as our Chief Instructor & Vic. Director!

In seminar visits throughout Asia Gogen Kensei often took Iwan Kyoshi with him, as an Assistant Instructor, to present the Goju style to various Asian Divisions- such was Gogen Kensei’s feelings about Iwan’s ability & dedication. Iwan Shihan was his Protégé. (Iwan Kyoshi originally is from Djakarta, Indonesia, where he gained Shodan in Okinawan Goju, & moved to Tokyo Hombu to attend the then- Japan Karate College ((Old Suginami Dojo) as a live-in Instructor-in training, in 1974.)
He graduated from the College, in 1979, as a Renshi Shihan, 5th Dan.
His skill in Goju Ryu grew by leaps & bounds, whilst daily training , at the Japan Karate College.

In the mid to late 1980’s, I became the Victorian Goju Ryu Rep for AKF Vic.; gaining State Accreditation in Kumite & Kata judging & refereeing. Through the mid 1970’s – 1980’s I competed in Goju State competitions in Kumite & kata (Best results in 1977 National Goju titles, Adelaide—gained 3rd place Open Kumite toTom Curtis 1st, Morgan Abouzeid 2nd plus 2nd place Open Kata, after 2nd play-off round to Tom Curtis 1st!!!

Won a two Veteran Kata Titles at AKF Vic competitions, in the 1980’s.
Trained with various international Instructors over the years, namely Ticky Donovan (British National coach) , Bill (Superfoot) Wallace, Master Cacoy Canete (Filipino Escrima), Hanshi Sakai (Josuikai Wado Ryu Master), Morio Higaonna Hanshi (IOGKF), Goju Hanshi Yamaguchi Gogen, Saiko Shihan Yamaguchi Goshi, and his Shihans Pranatio, Futawatari, Ohiro, Yamaguchi (young Masatoshi!), Sakamoto, Iwanami, Yamaguchi (sister to Saiko Shihan,Wakako), Hanshi Masahiro Oshiro (Hawaian Goju ryu), Hanshi Kikuchi- all at Hombu, Tokyo) and Motokatsu Inoue Hanshi (Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai)

Married Life. Family & Karate:

In  November 1993 , I married Audrey Khaw, Nidan of Paul Starling Goju school. She was 3-times Aust Varsity Women’s Kata Champ & NSW AKF Kata Champ, twice. & a recipient of ALL BLUES award for Karate whilst studying at Macquarie Uni./ UTS Sydney.

Four days after our Wedding, we flew, along with 80 other Goju students & Shihan, to Japan! (Some Honeymoon!!) We were part of the Aussie Squad, along with 53 other countries, participating in the 1st World Goju-Kai Karate Championship, held at Chiba Prefecture Sports Auditorium. Our honeymoon was not as we expected! Audrey competed in both the Women’s Division-Kata & Kumite events, whilst I was in the Men’s Division, BunkaiKata event.

Saiko Shihan Goshi, Hanshi was most gracious, whilst we were in Tokyo, after the Championships, by inviting Audrey & I as guests, along with selected European team Members, to a private Japanese feast, with him. I had hoped that both Audrey & I would share, teaching together in our own Dojo. But Family has intruded on that dream. Audrey & I now have three beautiful, & intelligent children- Adrian (12 in Nov, 2009), Diana now 8 yrs & young James (2 ½ Yrs-old). Both Adrian & Diana are now students of my WGKA Hornsby Dojo. Between full-time work & part-time Uni studies, then raising three children, from age 11-2 years old, Audrey can be forgiven for not being physically, involved with my Dojos, since I moved to Sydney, in late 1992. She is even more involved with assisting me in the set-up & admin. of the dojo & web site development!!

I began dojos for NSW Goju ryu, 3 years at Hornsby PCYC & 8 years , Instructor at Knox Grammar School, Wahroonga, North Shore suburbs of Sydney.

With 3 young children aged 12 yrs to 2 1/2  yrs, I now teach Hornsby WGKA Mondays &  Wednesdays, children- 7:00- 7:50 pm , seniors- 8:00 – 9:30 PM at Hornsby North Public School Hall, under the authority of Kyoshi Warren Ross -Bega/Candelo –NSW  WGKA  Director & Chief Instructor. (Now 7th Dan Kyoshi)
My 40-plus years GOJU association & deep Friendship with both Kaicho Max & Kyoshi Warren, have now brought us together under WGKA. In mid 2009, I was honoured, to open the latest Dojo, in NSW & the first in Sydney. I will help to expand & grow with the WGKA Family, with the support  & good wishes of both members & Instructors alike.

Grading History Of Phillip Chin Quan Renshi Shihan

First Dan –Ho Black Belt June 1972
Second Dan Black Belt January 1975
Third Dan-Ho Black Belt January 1977
Third Dan Black Belt January 1979
Fourth Dan Black Belt September 1981
Certificate, Recognized
Goju Ryu Instructor (IKGA) September 1981
Fifth Dan Black Belt June 2011
Sixth Dan Black Belt June 2016
Seventh Dan Black Belt December 2024